Monday 27 April 2015

Anna's Microteaching Brief.. 23/04/15

* The secret to success is to keep our own micro teaching simple and very brief.
* To not complicate anything.
* Dont take something massive that will obviously take a long time to do and try and fit it into a smaller timescale, it wont work.
* We each need to think about all aspects of everything.
(the idea behind this is if we were to have someone who was in a wheel chair or disabled of any kind, we would need to make sure we can adapt to there needs, whether that means to change something slightly about the workshop or just make it a disabled friendly workshop from the very beginning.)
* Must be very constructive

Anna's Microteaching Brief..
We had to listen, work in pairs as well as working in a big group for this activity. 
The picture below is from the micro teaching brief by Anna, this was all about Anna's job in 'Art direction' In pairs we got given four pieces of coloured card, red, green, yellow and blue, as well as a piece of fruit, the task was to place the piece of fruit onto which ever piece of card we personally think the fruit fitted best on, me and my partner deciding on a green piece of card, the reason for this was because green is an organic, healthy and natural colour, just the same as what a piece of fruit is, the apple in my opinion didn't look right on any other colour.   

The picture below is of a small micro teaching brief task, we had to do in our pairs, as a practice run of what we would be doing next week. I made a jewellary collection out of play dou, along with this came a written out lesson plan, the lesson plan times had to be very pacific as to how long it would take to show and complete this task wen doing it with your partner, a feedback form had to be filled out on both sides when doing this micro teaching brief. 

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