Tuesday 31 March 2015

Day six.. 25/3/2015

Today I started off by spending all morning working with a very large year eight class, this worked by breaking up the two hour and forty minute lesson into two half's. Half the time was split up by working one to one with an individual student, and the other half of my time was spent working with the whole class, to insure that the whole class was engaged ever twenty minutes I stopped the lesson and with the help from my fellow peers, we thought of a number of different games and quizzes involving each student and including topics about textiles so that we could see if the children were understanding the textile terms as we were going along, this aloud us to see who was struggling and were, and what topics needed to be touched on a little bit more, by bringing fun tasks into the lesson the children really enjoyed the lesson a lot more, this way they are more likely to want to carry on with textiles as they will have a positive opinion and not a negative one. We had positive feedback after the lesson took place, this was so encouraging for us, and a positive step in the right direction. Breaking the lesson up by not only talking to the class and getting them involved but playing a number of games to ensure that they have understood specific tasks is something that I would personally like to carry with me to the all day workshop we are building up for, a brilliant example I felt really worked from today was hangman, by choosing one key word at a time about the current lesson, and going around in a circle of the pupils so they all had to participate in the game allowed them to still be learning but also to have fun this was something I felt was vital for this school. During this lesson the class were continuing to work on there eight week rotation, for this project they were designing and making tie dye pull spring bags, each with there own personal felt applique of topics of there own choice. In this lesson it was all about mixing up the dye and working with the class on colour choices they might want for there bags and the patterns that they would like the bag to have, the second part of the lesson was drawing up there applique and getting that ready for the to add to there bags next lesson, I really enjoyed this morning as it was the most involved that I felt personally, I loved the hands on approach and the continuous busy lessons, this is much what I prefered especially working with the younger pupils of the school, this finalised the decision for me of what age groups I would like to teach on the day of the workshop.

The picture above is an example of a sample of red tye dye that had been designed in todays lesson, some of the samples were really experimented on, most alot more than this one, they might have varied the pattern or used more colours, but the reason why I chose to photograph this one was because I loved how well the colours blend togeteher, not only this but the story behind it is from a little boy who supports liverpool, he is basing his bag on his favourite football team, he has carefully thought through the colour processs, and done a clear link towards his project,  having a clear thought process within my work in univercity is vital for me and appreciated that this student was already at that stage without him even realsing.

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