Monday 16 March 2015

New York Insperation..

New York was one of the most amazing experiences ive ever had. Ive never gained so much insperation from one place before, by just going off into the dream city and exploring gave me the chance to see so many things, I know I never would have seen other wise.


The above two pictures are from a window display I found in Chelsea, 'New York' when we wondered down to this part of the city, it was a fasion and intior shop in Chelsea Markets, I was inparticulary drawn in by the bright and vibrant colours of yarn and how they were being displayed in the window of this shop, I love how creative both displays were, and how they gave me two completley different ways on how to display some of my own work when I need to mount and display more of my own work in the future. I loved how everything in the markets was home made and very well thought of to suit there customers requirments of that particular area, I also picked up on there brilliant use of space and how every shop and display arranged there work in the space that they were each allocated.     
The picture above is of ten individual metal sculptures focusing on the heads of 'creatures' the molds are focusing directly on the nose of the monsters, each one of them are all very different. Out of everything I saw in this museum, this piece of art work stood out for me the most as it was something I had never seen anything like before.
The key reason as to why I wrote this post is because I saw colour everywhere in new york city,  colour drew me in everywhere, from the buildings, to the famous sky line, to the breath taking art work everywhere, the whole experience dazzled me off my feet, now I have completed this unit, I have decided to come back to this first post and re visit what it all meant to me, in one word, colour, the beauty of colour around the whole world, the message we wanted to portray to the children in Daca is what I discovered on this trip, the world is a beautiful place and full of colour.

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