Tuesday 17 March 2015

Shadowing a student for the day.. 18/3/2015

My third day into my Placement at Darwen Academy, today was the first day, I really felt it would be my time to shine and show not only the teachers of the school, but the pupils and my tutors as well exactly what I could bring to this industry.

I started the day by going into a year 11 GCSE resit science lesson, there was only a handful of students in the classroom as the other members of their year group had probably passed the exam first time around. After the students had there recap introduction for a specific topic they then split up into different groups to undertake the task that had been set. The groups that they took themselves off into depended entirely on what kind of learner they were, an example of this was a ‘Kinaesthetic learner’ this type of learner finds that they learn best by doing or making, in another term having a really hands on approach to their work, in this lesson, the Kinaesthetic learners went off into their own groups to produce some posters as this is the best way they can absorb the information, whilst other pupils were copying down questions into their books and answering questions in a much more formal way as maybe you would just presume a lesson would be. I thought that this was a brilliant way to structure a lesson because it shows that the teachers are taking notice of every student and understanding we all have different ways of learning, this wasn’t something I had the chance to do in school and could be a reason as to why I struggled more academically.   

  The second lesson I attended was a year 9 set one science lesson, they started their time by completing a number of worksheets relating to a topic that they had been working on for the last six weeks, as this lesson was a double one, but was broken up by their morning break in between, to keep the students engaged on the topic that they were learning about, the teacher came up with a brilliant structure to the lesson, that at the end they would do a class quiz with a prize for the winner, this really made all the students in the class want to take part ad they all wanted to win the chocolate, not only did they want to do well so they would win, and compete against each other, but they were also gaining the right knowledge by answering all the questions correctly, this meant that they would have a very high chance of passing there mini assessment that they have to take part in at the end of every topic, by doing this it allows the teacher to clearly spot who is achieving and who is under achieving. 

The last two lessons that I took part in was a year 8 set one double maths lesson, for the first lesson there teacher wasn’t there, so a supply teacher covered, the very first thing that I noticed about this class was that there was a lot of them, by what I counted 33 pupils were far too many, I do feel like this class could be split up into two, so that more one to one teacher time was available, It was clear to pick up that the disruptive children were sat at the front of the class were as the more focused ones were at the back, the class was very noisy and a lot going on, the volume and the atmosphere was not only a great put off for the more focused children but myself and the supply teacher too, in my opinion this was very unfair and not very well thought about. After lunch when the maths teacher came back the difference of the class was mind blowing, everyone was so much more focused and less reactive to anything else that was going on, this was really interesting to see, and got me thinming as to why this could have happened. One of the main reasons as to why I belive this could have happened is stereotypically supply teachers usually dont have the same amount of respect as what the actual subject tecaher does, this could be due to how strict and firm the tecaher is with the class on a lesson basis and how much time is spent with them during the week, this gave me a lot to reflect on and key points I knew I was going to have to think about when it comes to me doing my workshop in a few weeks time.  

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