Monday 16 March 2015

Day one in Daca.. 16/3/2015

Today was the first day at my Placement in Darwen (DACA Academy).
I started off the day by having two year seven classes, what I thought would be a very challenging morning, and a task that would have to be very hands on, turned out to be a success, still very busy, I was faced with a whole range of pupils, each with a different way to how they learn better this gave me the opportunity to be involved in a brilliant lesson that the teacher had planned for them. I had an extreme positive approach towards this as I felt I was really able to help the pupils in a number of ways during their lessons.

Whilst wondering around that particular classroom that I was working in, I picked up on some very encouraging ideas, a particular strategy was used where the teacher gave the pupils a star and a wish symbol at the end of each lesson, the star had to be a positive suggestion or something that they think has gone well for them, the wish symbol had to be something that needed to be improved on.

Year 7 were also able to be given a number of ticks if they had done something for them to stand out to the teacher, this chart built up, meaning the table with the least amount of marks faced a small punishment such as tidying up the whole classroom after everyone, this meaning that the pupils were really enthusiastic to do well, as this was something they didn’t want to do.

Both homework tasks and tasks they had to undertake during their lesson time were all considered very important, as they were constantly reminded of grades they were on and targets etc that they needed to reach, this also gave the majority of the pupils a very encouraging approach to be focused with their art work, and try build up some understanding of what life would be like if they were to opt for this subject for their GCSE’s.

I liked how each lesson had been split up into sections and didn’t just remain the same throughout the time they were there, I could see that this strategy had been done for the year 7 pupils so that they stayed focused and there concentration didn’t wander off. The lesson started off with an Introduction, where the teacher asked a number of quick questions to refresh their memory, they then continued with the tasks that they had been previously set followed by a small assessment of their grade they were on at the point of their little projects giving them some idea of how they are doing and what targets they need to be working towards. Once every year, every class is also encouraged to put on what is called a ‘Commendation Assembly’ were they present there practical work that they have been working on to their teachers, parents and governors, this a task to really build on their confidence skills.  

For the last part of today myself and one of my fellow peers were assigned to work in pairs with a year 12 AS pupil who was near to finishing her mock exam unit. After flicking through her sketchbook and seeing what her final piece was all about, me and my friend came together with a list of things she could add into her work, including a range of new techniques and more artist ideas and research that she could add into her project. We came up with a brilliant plan ranging from every aspect of art to hit every learning outcome, this would finish her work off nicely, and give her another two options and ideas for her project, leading up to her main one the year after.
After sitting down with her again on a number of occasions both before putting a plan together and after, me and my peer found the girl was very quiet to start off with, this ended up giving us very negative thoughts, she wasn’t really willing to listen, and was barley communicating with either of us, this bought to mind all the different kinds of challenges we were going to face during our time at Daca.

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